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PictureMetaDataDescriptionId Enumeration
Enumeration of picture metadata descriptions.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public enum PictureMetaDataDescriptionId
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No metadata.
Copyright1 Copyright notic.
PictureCreatedBy2 Name of the person who originally created the photograph.
PictureCreatedDate3 Date and time when the photograph was created.
Description4 A short decription of what the document contains. For pictures, this should be shown as a neutrally kept photograph text which can function no matter of the context in which the photograph shall be shown.
Keywords5 Comma separated words or short phrases.
PictureModifiedBy6 Date when the photograph was modified.
UsageTerms7 The Rights Usage Terms field should include free-text instructions on how this photograph can be legally used.
IsPublic8 Indication if an image may be displayed publicly. If false, the image will only appear for users who have permission to manage ArtDatabankens images.
IsLatestVersion9 Indicates whether the image is the latest version
PictureStringId10 Unique string based on filename and date when the image was created. This value is the same for all versions of an image.
Guid11 Globally unique identifier in LSID format.
OriginalGuid12 GUID of the image as the current image originates. If the image is a partial enlargement of a different image such.
FileName13 Filename that the image has when it is uploaded.
SourceUrl14 URL to the original source for the image. Can be a URL to the image in the Species Observations System gallery.
FileFormat15 Picture format such as jpeg, bmp, png or tiff. Apparent from the file extension and can be loaded automatically on upload or changed on download.
IsArchived16 Controls whether the image file should be stored on fast expensive disks or archived on servers with lower storage cost. Archived original is not meant to be shown publicly.
PictureModifiedDate17 Date and time when the image was last edited.
PictureVersionId18 Unique ID on the image that the metadata belongs. This value is unique for each version of an image.
LifeStage19 Specifies the life stage that the species in the picture is in. Eg egg, pupa or adult.
Sex20 Indicates the gender of the species in the image.
Location21 Name of the place where the photo was taken.
City22 Name of community close to where the picture was taken.
Province23 Province where the picture was taken.
CountryCode24 Country code according to the ISO standard. SE if the image is from Sweden.
TaxonId25 Id (according to Dyntaxa) for the taxon in the picture.
ScientificName26 Scientific name of the taxon that the picture is related to. No value if the picture is not related to any taxon.
CommonName27 Swedish name for the taxon that the image is related to. No value if the picture is not related to any taxon or if there are no Swedish name for the current taxon.
PictureRelations28 Specifies the relations that the image has to other types of data. Eg to taxon, species fact or factor.
TaxonIdentificationValidatedBy29 Name of the person who have validated the species identification.
TaxonIdentificationValidatedDate30 Date when the species identification was validated.
TaxonIdentificationApproved31 Name of the competent person who approved the determination of the species.
PictureLifeCycleStatus32 Specifies the status that the image has the imaging process handling.
ReferenceNumber33 Reference that indicates where in a published document (or similar) that an image is included.
PictureInformationCreatedDate34 Date and time when the image was uploaded to the picture administration system.
PictureInformationCreatedBy35 Indicates who saved image in the picture administration system.
PictureInformationModifiedBy36 Specifies who last modified information about the image in the picture administration system.
PictureInformationModifiedDate37 Date and time at which information about the image was last changed in the picture administration system.
See Also