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IUserManager Interface
Definition of the UserManager interface.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface IUserManager : IManager

The IUserManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataSource
This interface is used to retrieve information.
Public methodActivateRoleMembership(IUserContext, Int32)
Activates role membership for an user.
Public methodActivateRoleMembership(IUserContext, Int32, Int32)
Administrator activates a role membership for an user.
Public methodActivateUserAccount
Activates user account.
Public methodAddUserToRole
Adds user to a role
Public methodApplicationActionExists(IUserContext, String)
Check if application action identifier exists in users current authorities
Public methodApplicationActionExists(IUserContext, IRole, String)
Check if application action identifier exists in the authorities for a role
Public methodCheckStringIsUnique
Check if a translation string is unique for this object/property and locale.
Public methodCreateAuthority
Create new authority.
Public methodCreatePerson
Create new person.
Public methodCreateRole
Create new role.
Public methodCreateUser
Create new user.
Public methodDeleteAuthority
Delete an authority.
Public methodDeletePerson
Delete a person.
Public methodDeleteRole
Delete a role.
Public methodDeleteUser
Delete a user.
Public methodGetAddressType(IUserContext, AddressTypeId)
Get address type with specified id.
Public methodGetAddressType(IUserContext, Int32)
Get address type with specified id.
Public methodGetAddressTypes
Get all address types.
Public methodGetAgreement(IUserContext, AgreementId)
Get agreement with specified id.
Public methodGetAgreement(IUserContext, Int32)
Get agreement with specified id.
Public methodGetAgreementResponses(IUserContext)
Get all agreement responses for logged in user.
Public methodGetAgreementResponses(IUserContext, IUser)
Get all agreement responses for specified user.
Public methodGetAgreements
Get all agreements.
Public methodGetApplicationUsers
Get all users of type Application
Public methodGetAuthorities(IUserContext, IRole, IApplication)
Get all authorities within a role that is connected to specified application.
Public methodGetAuthorities(IUserContext, Int32, Int32)
Get all authorities for a user and authority is connected to specified application
Public methodGetAuthorities(IUserContext, IRole, Int32, String)
Get all authorities within a role that is connected to specified application and having specified authority identifier.
Public methodGetAuthority
Get authority by id.
Public methodGetAuthorityDataTypes
Get all authority data types.
Public methodGetAuthorityDataTypesByApplicationId
Get authority data types for specific application Id.
Public methodGetLockedUserInformation
Get information about users that are currently locked out from ArtDatabankenSOA. Users are locked out if the fail to login a couple of times. All currently locked out users are returned if parameter userSearchString is null.
Public methodGetMessageType(IUserContext, MessageTypeId)
Get Message type with specified id.
Public methodGetMessageType(IUserContext, Int32)
Get Message type with specified id.
Public methodGetMessageTypes
Get all Message types.
Public methodGetNonActivatedUsersByRole
Get all users that have been associated with a role but have not activated their role membership yet.
Public methodGetPerson
Get person by id.
Public methodGetPersonGender(IUserContext, PersonGenderId)
Get person gender with specified id.
Public methodGetPersonGender(IUserContext, Int32)
Get person gender with specified id.
Public methodGetPersonGenders
Get all person genders.
Public methodGetPersonsByModifiedDate
Get persons that have been modified or created between certain dates.
Public methodGetPersonsBySearchCriteria
Get persons that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetPhoneNumberType
Get phone number type with specified id.
Public methodGetPhoneNumberTypes
Get all phone number types.
Public methodGetRole
Get role by id.
Public methodGetRoleMembersBySearchCriteria
Get rolemembers that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetRolesBySearchCriteria
Get roles that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetRolesByUser
Get roles related to specified user. If application is specified only those roles that are related to the application are returned.
Public methodGetRolesByUserGroupAdministrationRoleId
Public methodGetRolesByUserGroupAdministratorUserId
Public methodGetUser(IUserContext)
Get user.
Public methodGetUser(IUserContext, Int32)
Get user by id.
Public methodGetUser(IUserContext, String)
Get user by username.
Public methodGetUsersByRole
Get all users that have specified role.
Public methodGetUsersBySearchCriteria
Get users that matches the search criteria.
Public methodIsExistingPerson
Test if a person already exists.
Public methodIsExistingUser
Test if username already exists in the database.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String)
Login user.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String, Boolean)
Login user.
Public methodLogout
Logout user.
Public methodRemoveUserFromRole
Remove user from a role
Public methodResetPassword
Reset user's password
Public methodSupportUpdatePersonUser
Updates a user and its associated person. The function only be used by support users. Only Email and account activation can be changed when the account is inactivated.
Public methodUpdateAgreementResponse
Update agreement response. Agreement response is created in database if it did not exist before. The agreementResponse instance is updated with latest information.
Public methodUpdateAuthority
Update authority.
Public methodUpdatePassword
Update password for logged in user.
Public methodUpdatePerson
Update person.
Public methodUpdateRole
Update role.
Public methodUpdateUser
Update user.
Public methodUserAdminSetPassword
Updates a users password without sending the old password. Used by administrator.
Public eventUserLoggedInEvent
Event handling after user has logged in.
Public eventUserLoggedOutEvent
Event handling after user has logged out.
See Also