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ILumpSplitEvent Interface
Information about a taxonomic change of an existing taxon.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface ILumpSplitEvent : IDataId32

The ILumpSplitEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChangedInTaxonRevisionEventId
This lump split event was created or updated in this revision event.
Public propertyCreatedBy
Id of user that created the lump split event.
Public propertyCreatedDate
The lump split event was created at this date.
Public propertyDataContext
Data context with meta information about this object.
Public propertyDescription
Information about the change.
Public propertyReplacedInTaxonRevisionEventId
This lump split event was replaced in this revision event. Is null if this revision event has not been replaced.
Public propertyTaxonAfter
Changed taxon (specified in TaxonBefore) was replaced by this taxon.
Public propertyTaxonBefore
Gets or sets TaxonBefore.
Public propertyType
Type of lump split event.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodAreNotEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are not equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
See Also