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ITaxonRelationsTreeNode Interface
Taxon relations tree node interface

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface ITaxonRelationsTreeNode

The ITaxonRelationsTreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllChildEdges
All child edges.
Public propertyAllEdges
Gets or sets all edges.
Public propertyAllParentEdges
All parent edges.
Public propertyNonvalidMainChildren
The nonvalid main children.
Public propertyNonvalidMainParents
The nonvalid main parents.
Public propertyNonvalidSecondaryChildren
The nonvalid secondary children.
Public propertyNonvalidSecondaryParents
The nonvalid secondary parents.
Public propertyNotUsedEdges
The not used edges.
Public propertyRootNode
Gets the root node.
Public propertyTaxon
Gets or sets the taxon.
Public propertyValidMainChildren
The valid main children.
Public propertyValidMainParents
The valid main parents.
Public propertyValidSecondaryChildren
The valid secondary children.
Public propertyValidSecondaryParents
The valid secondary parents.
Public methodGetAllValidParentEdgesTopToBottom
Gets all valid parents edges hierarchical from top to bottom (this node).
Public methodGetAllValidSecondaryParentNodesInRootToNodeOrder
Gets all valid secondary parent nodes in root to leaf order (top to bottom).
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsBottomFirstBreadthFirstParentNodeIterator
Creates an iterator that traverses a tree nodes parents bottom first breadth first.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsBreadthFirstChildEdgeIterator
Returns a breadth first child edge iterator.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsBreadthFirstParentEdgeIterator
Returns a breadth first parent edge iterator.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsDepthFirstChildEdgeIterator
Returns a depth first child edge iterator.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsDepthFirstNodeIterator
Creates an iterator that traverses a tree nodes children depth first.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsTopDownBreadthFirstParentEdgeIterator
Returns a reversed breadth first parent edge iterator.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsTopFirstBreadthFirstParentNodeIterator
Creates an iterator that traverses a tree nodes parents top first breadth first.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
Public Extension MethodAsTopFirstParentNodeIterator
Creates an iterator that traverses a tree nodes parents top first.
(Defined by TaxonRelationsTreeExtension.)
See Also