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Taxon Class
This class contains information about a taxon.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public class Taxon : ITaxon, IDataId32

The Taxon type exposes the following members.

Public methodTaxon
Initializes a new instance of the Taxon class
Public propertyAlertStatus
Alert status taxon. A classification of the need for communication of problems related to the taxon status and recognition. Might be used to decide if description text is displayed as warning.
Public propertyAuthor
Author of the recommended scientific name.
Public propertyCategory
Category that this taxon belongs to.
Public propertyChangeStatus
ChangeStatus Indicates taxons lump-split status.
Public propertyCommonName
Recommended common name. Not all taxa has a recommended common name.
Public propertyCreatedBy
User that created the record. Mandatory ie always required.
Public propertyCreatedByPerson
Person for a taxon. This property will return an incorret person. Do not use until it is corrected. Not required ie could be null.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date record was created. Set by database when inserted. Mandatory ie always required.
Public propertyDataContext
Data context.
Public propertyGuid
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for this object. It is a LSID, which is unique for each version of the record holding the information included in this object. It is updated automatically by database each time information is saved. Mandatory ie always required.
Public propertyId
Unique identification of a taxon. Mandatory ie always required.
Public propertyIsInRevision
Indicates if this taxon is in a checked out revision and may be updated.
Public propertyIsMicrospecies
Indicates that a specie is a microspecies
Public propertyIsPublished
Gets or sets IsPublished
Public propertyIsValid
IsValid true - taxon is valid. false - taxon is NOT valid.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Taxon was modified by the user with this id. Set by database.
Public propertyModifiedByPerson
Person for a taxon. This property will return an incorret person. Do not use until it is corrected. Not required ie could be null.
Public propertyModifiedDate
Date taxon was modified. Set by database revision with taxon in is checked in
Public propertyPartOfConceptDefinition
Part of concept definition for a taxon. Not required ie could be null.
Public propertyRevisionId
If this taxon is in a checked out revision then this is the RevisionId; otherwise null.
Public propertyScientificName
Recommended scientific name.
Public propertySortOrder
SortOrder Sorting order for this taxon.
Public propertyValidFromDate
Date user is valid from. Not Null. Is set to date created by default. Mandatory ie always required.
Public propertyValidToDate
Date user is valid to. Not Null. Is set to date created + 100 years by default. Mandatory ie always required.
Public methodGetAllChildTaxonRelations
Get all valid child taxon relations.
Public methodGetAllParentTaxonRelations
Searches among all levels of parents above the current taxon. Uses tree search when includeHistorical is false. Otherwise it uses the collection AllParentTaxa
Public methodGetCheckedOutChangesParentTaxa
Delivers all currently valid direct parent taxa for this taxon while in a revision
Public methodGetCheckedOutChangesTaxonName
Gets CheckedOutChangesTaxonName.
Public methodGetCheckedOutChangesTaxonProperties
Delivers the current valid TaxonProperty object for a taxon when in a revision
Public methodGetChildTaxonTree
Get child taxon tree. Returned taxon tree node is related to this taxon, which is the top of the child taxon tree.
Public methodGetCommonName
Get recommended common name, ie name of type SWEDISH_NAME and recommended.
Public methodGetConceptDefinition
Full concept definition for a taxon. Not required ie could be null.
Public methodGetCreatedByPersonFullName
Get the full name of the person that created this taxon.
Public methodGetCurrentTaxonNames
Get currently valid taxon names.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this taxon.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetIdentifiers
Get taxon names where taxon name category type equals IDENTIFIER except for recommended GUID. This includes ITIS_NAME, ITIS_NUMBER, NN_CODE and ERMS:Name.
Public methodGetMisappliedNames
Get misapplied names.
Public methodGetModifiedByPerson
Get the person that made the last modification to this taxon.
Public methodGetModifiedByPersonFullname
Get the full name of the person that made the last modification to this taxon.
Public methodGetNearestChildTaxonRelations
Get nearest child taxon relations that are valid.
Public methodGetNearestNonValidParents
Get nearest non valid parents.
Public methodGetNearestParentTaxonRelations
Get nearest parent taxon relations that are valid.
Public methodGetNonValidParents
The get non valid parents.
Public methodGetNonValidParents(IUserContext)
Get non valid parents.
Public methodGetOtherParentTaxa
Gets the other parent taxa. I.e. all secondary relations.
Public methodGetParentTaxonRelations
Searches among the direct parents in the collection ParentTaxa
Public methodGetParentTaxonTree
Get parent taxon tree. Returned taxon tree node is related to this taxon, which is the bottom of the parent taxon tree.
Public methodGetProParteSynonyms
Get proParte synonyms.
Public methodGetRecommendedGuid
Get recommended GUID, ie name of type GUID and recommended.
Public methodGetReferenceRelations
Gets or sets References.
Public methodGetScientificName
Get recommended scientfic name, ie name of type SCIENTIFIC_NAME and recommended.
Public methodGetScientificNameAndAuthor
Get scientific name and author for this taxon.
Public methodGetScientificNameAndAuthorAndCommonName
Get scientific name, author and common name for this taxon.
Public methodGetSynonyms(IUserContext)
Get all synonyms. proParte synonyms are included in the result.
Public methodGetSynonyms(IUserContext, Boolean)
Get synonyms.
Public methodGetTaxonNameByVersion
Get taxon name with specified version.
Public methodGetTaxonNames
Get all taxon names.
Public methodGetTaxonNamesByCategoryId
Get all taxon names in a specific category.
Public methodGetTaxonNamesBySearchCriteria
Get taxon names that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxonProperties
Gets TaxonPropertieses.
Public methodGetTaxonTree
Get taxon tree. This is the combination of both child taxon tree and parent taxon tree. Returned taxon tree node is related to this taxon, which is somewhere inside the taxon tree.
Public methodSetParentTaxa
Sets parent taxa.
Public methodSetReferenceRelations
Sets References.
Public methodSetTaxonProperties
Sets TaxonPropertieses.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodAreNotEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are not equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodCheckNotNull
Check that an argument is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodCheckNull
Check that an argument is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNotNull
Test if an object reference is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNull
Test if an object reference is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
See Also