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IReferenceManager Interface
Definition of the IReferenceManager interface. This interface is used to handle reference related information.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface IReferenceManager : IManager

The IReferenceManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataSource
This interface is used to retrieve or update reference information from the actual data source.
Public methodCreateReference
Create a new reference.
Public methodCreateReferenceRelation
Create a reference relation.
Public methodCreateReferenceRelations
Create several reference relations.
Public methodCreateReferenceRelationsOld
Create reference relations.
Public methodDeleteReferenceRelation
Delete a reference relation.
Public methodDeleteReferenceRelations
Delete reference relations.
Public methodGetReference
Get specified reference.
Public methodGetReferenceRelation
Get specified reference relation.
Public methodGetReferenceRelations(IUserContext, ListString)
Get reference relations that are related to a list of specified objects.
Public methodGetReferenceRelations(IUserContext, String)
Get reference relations that are related to specified object.
Public methodGetReferenceRelationType(IUserContext, ReferenceRelationTypeId)
Get specified reference relation type.
Public methodGetReferenceRelationType(IUserContext, Int32)
Get specified reference relation type.
Public methodGetReferenceRelationTypes
Get all reference relation types.
Public methodGetReferences(IUserContext)
Get all references.
Public methodGetReferences(IUserContext, IReferenceSearchCriteria)
Get references that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetReferences(IUserContext, ListInt32)
Get specified references.
Public methodUpdateReference
Update existing reference.
See Also