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IRole Interface
Information about a role

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface IRole : IDataId32

The IRole type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdministrationRoleId
Public propertyAuthorities
Public propertyDataContext
Get data context.
Public propertyDescription
Public propertyGUID
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for this object. It is a LSID, which is unique for each version of the record holding the information included in this object. It is updated automatically by database each time information is saved.
Public propertyIdentifier
Identifier for this role. The same identifier can be used for more than a role.
Public propertyIsActivationRequired
Is activation of role membership required for this role.
Public propertyIsUserAdministrationRole
Indicates if this role is used as UserAdministrationRole
Public propertyMessageType
Message type of this role.
Public propertyName
Name of role
Public propertyOrganizationId
OrganizationId that this role relates to.
Public propertyShortName
Role shortname
Public propertyUpdateInformation
Information about create/update of role.
Public propertyUserAdministrationRoleId
Public propertyValidFromDate
Date role is valid from. Not Null. Is set to date created by default.
Public propertyValidToDate
Date role is valid to. Not Null. Is set to date created + 100 years by default.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodAreNotEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are not equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
See Also