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StringCompareOperator Enumeration
Definition of how search string is compared to stored string data. Some values are shared by other compare operator enums. For example, CompareOperator and NumberCompareOperator. Make sure index numbers are mapped correctly for each enum. This is to make it possible to convert values between related enums.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken (in ArtDatabanken.dll) Version: (
public enum StringCompareOperator
  Member nameValueDescription
BeginsWith0 Search for strings that begins with the specified search string. Wild chard is added to the search string (at the end) before the search begins. ex. like searchtext%
Contains1 Search for strings that contains the specified search string. Wild chards are added to the search string (at the beginning and end) before the search begins. ex. like %searchtext%
EndsWith2 Search for strings that ends with the specified search string. Wild chard is added to the search string (at the beginning) before the search begins. ex. like %searchtext
Equal3 Search for strings that are equal to the specified search string. ex. = searchtext
Like10 Search for strings that similar to the specified search string. No wild chards are added to the search string. ex. like searchtext
NotEqual11 Search for strings that are not equal to the specified search string. ex. <> searchtext
See Also