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Picture Class
This class represents a picture.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public class Picture : IPicture, IDataId64

The Picture type exposes the following members.

Public methodPicture
Initializes a new instance of the Picture class
Public propertyDataContext
Meta information about this data.
Public propertyFormat
The picture is represented in this format. E.g. 'jpg', 'bmp' or 'png'.
Public propertyGuid
GUID for this picture.
Public propertyId
Id for this picture.
Public propertyImage
The image as binary (unsigned byte) data that has been Base64 encoded.
Public propertyIsArchived
Note if picture is archived or not.
Public propertyIsPublic
Note if picture is public or not.
Public propertyLastModified
When picture was last modified.
Public propertyLastUpdated
When information about a picture in the database was last changed.
Public propertyOriginalSize
Original size (in bytes) of picture in web service.
Public propertyPictureStringId
String identifier for this picture.
Public propertySize
Size (in bytes) of picture.
Public propertyTaxon
This picture is related to this taxon. Not all pictures are related to taxon.
Public propertyUpdatedBy
User who last updated the picture. (PictureModifiedBy)
Public propertyVersionId
Version id for picture.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCheckNotNull
Check that an argument is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodCheckNull
Check that an argument is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNotNull
Test if an object reference is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNull
Test if an object reference is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
See Also