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ISpeciesObservationDataProvider Interface
This class contains information about a species observation data source in swedish lifewatch.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface ISpeciesObservationDataProvider : IDataId32

The ISpeciesObservationDataProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContactEmail
Email address to contact person.
Public propertyContactPerson
Name of contact person.
Public propertyDataContext
Data context.
Public propertyDescription
Information about the data source.
Public propertyGuid
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for this object. It is a LSID, which is unique for each version of the record holding the information included in this object.
Public propertyName
Name of the data source.
Public propertyNonPublicSpeciesObservationCount
Number of non public species observations in data source.
Public propertyOrganization
Name of the organization that is responsible for the data source.
Public propertyPublicSpeciesObservationCount
Number of public species observations in data source.
Public propertySpeciesObservationCount
Total number of species observations in data source.
Public propertyUrl
Web address (that can be used in a web browser) where more information about the data source can be found.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodAreNotEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are not equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
See Also