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ITaxonRelation Interface
Each taxon relation connects a parent taxon with a child taxon. Current taxon tree is defined by all currently valid taxon relations.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.Data (in ArtDatabanken.Data.dll) Version: (
public interface ITaxonRelation : IDataId32

The ITaxonRelation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChangedInTaxonRevisionEventId
This taxon relation was created or updated in this revision event.
Public propertyChildTaxon
Child taxon in this taxon relation.
Public propertyCreatedBy
Id of user that created the taxon relation. Set by database when created.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date and time when the taxon relation was created. Set by web service when taxon relation is created.
Public propertyDataContext
Data context.
Public propertyGuid
GUID for this taxon relation.
Public propertyIsMainRelation
Indicates if this taxon relation is a main relation or not. Only main relations are used to form the standard taxon tree.
Public propertyIsPublished
Indicates if this taxon relation has been published or not.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Last modified by the user with this id. Set by web service when taxon relation is modified.
Public propertyModifiedByPerson
Last modified by a person with this name.
Public propertyModifiedDate
Last modified at this date. Set by web service when taxon relation is modified.
Public propertyParentTaxon
Parent taxon in this taxon relation.
Public propertyReplacedInTaxonRevisionEventId
This taxon relation was replaced in this revision event.
Public propertySortOrder
Sort order for this taxon relation amongs other taxon relations related to the same parent taxon.
Public propertyValidFromDate
This taxon relation is valid from this date.
Public propertyValidToDate
This taxon relation is valid to this date.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
Public Extension MethodAreNotEqual
Test if two IDataId32 references are not equal.
(Defined by IDataId32Extension.)
See Also