| Member name | Value | Description |
| AllRedlistFactors | 542 |
AllRedlistFactors = 542
| OldRedlistCategory | 544 |
OldRedlistCategory = 544
| CurrentRedlistFactors | 652 |
CurrentRedlistFactors = 652
| RedlistEvaluationFactors | 653 |
RedlistEvaluationFactors = 653
| RedlistFactorGroup1_GenerealFactors | 719 |
RedlistFactorGroup1_GenerealFactors = 719
| RedlistEvaluationProgressionStatus | 654 |
RedlistEvaluationProgressionStatus = 654
| Redlist_TaxonType | 655 |
Redlist_TaxonType = 655
| Redlist_OrganismLabel1 | 656 |
Redlist_OrganismLabel1 = 656
| Redlist_OrganismLabel2 | 657 |
Redlist_OrganismLabel2 = 657
| GlobalRedlistCategory | 978 |
GlobalRedlistCategory = 978
| SwedishOccurrence | 1938 |
SwedishOccurrence = 1938
| SwedishHistory | 1939 |
SwedishImmigrationHistory = 1939
| NumberOfSwedishSpecies | 1991 |
Number of Swedish Species = 1991
| QualityInDyntaxa | 2115 |
Information Quality in Dyntaxa = 2115
| ExcludeFromReportingSystem | 1974 |
Exclude From Reporting System = 1974
| BanndedForReporting | 2116 |
BannedForReporting = 2116
| Redlist_EvaluatorsNotebook | 660 |
Redlist_EvaluatorsNotebook = 660
| LandscapeFactors | 661 |
LandscapeFactors = 661
| LandscapeFactor_Forest | 662 |
LandscapeFactor_Forest = 662
| LandscapeFactor_Agricultural | 663 |
LandscapeFactor_Agricultural = 663
| LandscapeFactor_Urban | 664 |
LandscapeFactor_Urban = 664
| LandscapeFactor_Alpin | 665 |
LandscapeFactor_Alpin = 665
| LandscapeFactor_Wetland | 666 |
LandscapeFactor_Wetland = 666
| LandscapeFactor_FreshWater | 667 |
LandscapeFactor_FreshWater = 667
| LandscapeFactor_Coast | 668 |
LandscapeFactor_Coast = 668
| LandscapeFactor_Sea | 669 |
LandscapeFactor_Sea = 669
| LandscapeFactor_BrackishWater | 1984 |
LandscapeFactor_BrackishWater = 1984
| LifeFormFactors | 1859 |
Livsform factor group, factor = 1859
| GenerationTime | 671 |
GenerationTime = 671
| RedlistFactorGroup2_PopulationReduction | 670 |
RedlistFactorGroup2_PopulationReduction = 670
| ContinuingDecline | 678 |
ContinuingDecline = 678
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOnHeader | 672 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOnHeader = 672
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbi | 673 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbi = 673
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbii | 674 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbii = 674
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiii | 675 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiii = 675
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiv | 676 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiv = 676
| ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbv | 677 |
ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbv = 677
| Reduction_AHeader | 682 |
Reduction_AHeader = 682
| Reduction_A1Header | 683 |
Reduction_A1Header = 683
| Reduction_A1 | 684 |
Reduction_A1 = 684
| ReductionBasedOn_A1Header | 685 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1Header = 685
| ReductionBasedOn_A1a | 686 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1a = 686
| ReductionBasedOn_A1b | 687 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1b = 687
| ReductionBasedOn_A1c | 688 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1c = 688
| ReductionBasedOn_A1d | 689 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1d = 689
| ReductionBasedOn_A1e | 690 |
ReductionBasedOn_A1e = 690
| Reduction_A2Header | 691 |
Reduction_A2Header = 691
| Reduction_A2 | 692 |
Reduction_A2 = 692
| ReductionBasedOn_A2Header | 693 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2Header = 693
| ReductionBasedOn_A2a | 694 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2a = 694
| ReductionBasedOn_A2b | 695 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2b = 695
| ReductionBasedOn_A2c | 696 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2c = 696
| ReductionBasedOn_A2d | 697 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2d = 697
| ReductionBasedOn_A2e | 698 |
ReductionBasedOn_A2e = 698
| Reduction_A3Header | 699 |
Reduction_A3Header = 699
| Reduction_A3 | 700 |
Reduction_A3 = 700
| ReductionBasedOn_A3Header | 701 |
ReductionBasedOn_A3Header = 701
| ReductionBasedOn_A3b | 702 |
ReductionBasedOn_A3b = 702
| ReductionBasedOn_A3c | 703 |
ReductionBasedOn_A3c = 703
| ReductionBasedOn_A3d | 704 |
ReductionBasedOn_A3d = 704
| ReductionBasedOn_A3e | 705 |
ReductionBasedOn_A3e = 705
| Reduction_A4Header | 706 |
Reduction_A4Header = 706
| Reduction_A4 | 707 |
Reduction_A4 = 707
| ReductionBasedOn_A4Header | 708 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4Header = 708
| ReductionBasedOn_A4a | 709 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4a = 709
| ReductionBasedOn_A4b | 710 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4b = 710
| ReductionBasedOn_A4c | 711 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4c = 711
| ReductionBasedOn_A4d | 712 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4d = 712
| ReductionBasedOn_A4e | 713 |
ReductionBasedOn_A4e = 713
| RedlistFactorGroup3_PopulationSize | 714 |
RedlistFactorGroup3_PopulationSize = 714
| PopulationSize_Total | 715 |
PopulationSize_Total = 715
| MaxSizeLocalPopulation | 716 |
MaxSizeLocalPopulation = 716
| MaxProportionLocalPopulation | 717 |
MaxProportionLocalPopulation = 717
| ExtremeFluctuations | 718 |
ExtremeFluctuations = 718
| ExtremeFluctuationsInHeader | 720 |
ExtremeFluctuationsInHeader = 720
| ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bci | 721 |
ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bci = 721
| ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bcii | 722 |
ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bcii = 722
| ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciii | 723 |
ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciii = 723
| ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciv | 724 |
ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciv = 724
| RedlistFactorGroup4_PopulationDistribution | 725 |
RedlistFactorGroup4_PopulationDistribution = 725
| SeverelyFragmented | 726 |
SeverelyFragmented = 726
| NumberOfLocations | 727 |
NumberOfLocations = 727
| VeryRestrictedArea_D2VU | 728 |
VeryRestrictedArea_D2VU = 728
| ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Header | 729 |
ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Header = 729
| ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Observed | 730 |
ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Observed = 730
| ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Estimated | 731 |
ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Estimated = 731
| AreaOfOccupancy_B2Header | 732 |
AreaOfOccupancy_B2Header = 732
| AreaOfOccupancy_B2Observed | 733 |
AreaOfOccupancy_B2Observed = 733
| AreaOfOccupancy_B2Estimated | 734 |
AreaOfOccupancy_B2Estimated = 734
| RedlistFactorGroup5_QuantitativeAnalysis | 735 |
RedlistFactorGroup5_QuantitativeAnalysis = 735
| ProbabilityOfExtinction | 736 |
ProbabilityOfExtinction = 736
| RedlistFactorGroup6_RegionalImplications | 737 |
RedlistFactorGroup6_RegionalImplications = 737
| ImmigrationOccurs | 738 |
ImmigrationOccurs = 738
| ImmigrationDeclines | 739 |
ImmigrationDeclines = 739
| Substrate | 986 |
| SwedenIsASink | 740 |
SwedenIsASink = 740
| Grading | 741 |
Grading = 741
| RedlistFactorGroup7_Results | 742 |
RedlistFactorGroup7_Results = 742
| RedlistCategory | 743 |
RedlistCategory = 743
| RedlistCriteriaString | 744 |
RedlistCriteriaString = 744
| RedlistCriteriaDocumentation | 745 |
RedlistCriteriaDocumentation = 745
| RedlistCriteriaDocumentationComments | 746 |
RedlistCriteriaDocumentationComments = 746
| ExludeThisTaxonFromResult | 747 |
ExludeThisTaxonFromResult = 747
| RedlistedAsAnotherTaxon | 748 |
RedlistedAsAnotherTaxon = 748
| RedlistFileName | 749 |
RedlistFileName = 749
| RedlistLandscapes | 750 |
RedlistLandscapes = 750
| RedlistFactorGroup8_RedlistChanges | 751 |
RedlistFactorGroup8_RedlistChanges = 751
| RedlistChange_ActualSteps | 752 |
RedlistChange_ActualSteps = 752
| RedlistChangeMechanismHeader | 753 |
RedlistChangeMechanismHeader = 753
| RedlistChange_Actual | 754 |
RedlistChange_Actual = 754
| RedlistChange_NewKnowledge | 755 |
RedlistChange_NewKnowledge = 755
| RedlistChange_NewCriteria | 756 |
RedlistChange_NewCriteria = 756
| RedlistChange_NewInterpretation | 757 |
RedlistChange_NewInterpretation = 757
| RedlistChange_NewTaxon | 758 |
RedlistChange_NewTaxon = 758
| RedlistChange_NewTaxonStatus | 759 |
RedlistChange_NewTaxonStatus = 759
| CountyOccurrence | 775 |
CountyOccurrence = 775
| RedListCategoryAutomatic | 1940 |
RedListCategoryAutomatic = 1940
| RedListCriteriaAutomatic | 1941 |
RedListCriteriaAutomatic = 1941
| ConservationDependent | 1943 |
ConservationDependent = 1943
| RedlistIndexGroup | 1944 |
RedlistIndexGroup = 1944
| RedlistIndexCategory2000 | 1945 |
RedlistIndexCategory2000 = 1945
| RedlistIndexCategory2005 | 1946 |
RedlistIndexCategory2005 = 1946
| RedlistIndexCategory2010 | 1947 |
RedlistIndexCategory2010 = 1947
| RedlistIndexCategory2015 | 2688 |
RedlistIndexCategory2015 = 2688 (omvärderad)
| ResponsibilityGroup | 1952 |
ResponsibilityGroup = 1952
| RedListCriteriaDocumentationIntroduction | 1950 |
Kriteriedokumentation Ingress = 1950
| RedListCriteriaDocumentationAutomatic | 1951 |
Kriteriedokumentation automatisk beräknad = 1951
| LastEncounter | 1948 |
Senast påträffad = 1948
| SpeciesInformationDocumentGroup | 1997 |
Artfaktabladens faktor grupp = 1997
| SpeciesInformationDocumentTaxonomicInformation | 1998 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Taxonomisk information = 1998
| SpeciesInformationDocumentDescription | 1999 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Beskrivning = 1999
| SpeciesInformationDocumentDistribution | 2000 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Utbredning och status = 2000
| SpeciesInformationDocumentEcology | 2001 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Ekologi = 2001
| SpeciesInformationDocumentThreats | 2002 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Hot = 2002
| SpeciesInformationDocumentMeasures | 2003 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Åtgärder = 2003
| SpeciesInformationDocumentExtra | 2004 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Övrigt = 2004
| SpeciesInformationDocumentPreamble | 2101 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Ingress = 2101
| SpeciesInformationDocumentReferences | 2005 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Litteratur = 2005
| SpeciesInformationDocumentAuthorAndYear | 2006 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Författare = 2006
| SpeciesInformationDocumentItalicsInText | 2007 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Textens kursiverade ord = 2007
| SpeciesInformationDocumentItalicsInReferences | 2008 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Littersaturförteckningens kursiverade ord = 2008
| SpeciesInformationDocumentIsPublishable | 2012 |
Artfaktabladens faktor Är publiceringsbar = 2012
| SpeciesInformationDocumentNotes | 2013 |
Artfaktabladens faktor för interna kommentarer = 2013
| SpeciesInformationDocumentMetadataFactorGroup | 2014 |
Artfaktabladens faktorgrupp för interna kommentarer mm = 2014
| SpeciesInformationDocumentParagraphFactorGroup | 2015 |
Artfaktabladens faktorgrupp för textstycken = 2015
| SpeciesInformationDocumentFormatFactorGroup | 2016 |
Artfaktabladens faktorgrupp för format = 2016
| NNAutomaticTaxonNameSummary | 2100 |
Nationalnyckelns automatiska faktor för Namngivning = 2100
| ProtectionLevel | 761 |
Protection level for species observations of associated taxon.
| Natura2000BirdsDirective | 961 |
Natura 2000, Birds directive.
| Natura2000HabitatsDirectiveArticle2 | 958 |
Natura 2000, Habitats directive article 2.
| Natura2000HabitatsDirectiveArticle2Priority | 959 |
Natura 2000, Habitats directive article 2 (priority specie).
| Natura2000HabitatsDirectiveArticle4 | 960 |
Natura 2000, Habitats directive article 4.
| Natura2000HabitatsDirectiveArticle5 | 979 |
Natura 2000, Habitats directive article 5.
| ActionPlan | 2017 |
Action plan (in swedish "Åtgärdsprogram ÅGP").
| ProtectedByLaw | 2009 |
Protected by law (in swedish
"Fridlyst enligt Artskyddsförodningen (SFS 2007:845)").
| ProtectedBirdByLaw | 2710 |
Protected bird by law (in swedish
"Fridlyst enligt Artskyddsförodningen (SFS 2007:845)").
| DisturbanceRadius | 2471 |
Indicates how sensitive a species is to disturbance.
Unit is in meters from the disturbance source.
| Biotopes | 1321 |
Information about which species that uses which biotopes.
Factor id = 1321.
| Impact | 1618 |
Information about how different changes impacts species.
Factor id = 1618.
| Conventions | 956 |
Information about all the conventions where the species is listed.
Factor id = 956.
| HabitatDirectives | 2182 |
Information about all the habitat directives where the species is listed.
Factor id = 2182.
| SkogsstyrelseSignalSpecies | 2023 |
Skogsstyrelsen Signal Species = 2023.
| OrganismAsSubstrate | 1136 |
Organism as substrate = 1136
| CountySkane | 776 |
County - Skåne = 776
| CountyBlekinge | 777 |
County - Blekinge = 777
| CountyGotland | 778 |
County - Gotland = 778
| CountyOland | 779 |
County - Öland = 779
| CountyKalmarFastl | 780 |
County - Kalmar fastl = 780
| CountyKronoberg | 781 |
County - Kronoberg = 781
| CountyJonkoping | 782 |
County - Jönköping = 782
| CountyHalland | 783 |
County - Halland = 783
| CountyVastraGotaland | 784 |
County - Västra Götaland = 784
| CountyOstergotland | 785 |
County - Östergötland = 785
| CountySodermanland | 786 |
County - Södermanland = 786
| CountyStockholm | 787 |
County - Stockholm = 787
| CountyUppsala | 788 |
County - Uppsala = 788
| CountyVastmanland | 789 |
County - Västmanland = 789
| CountyOrebro | 790 |
County - Örebro = 790
| CountyVarmland | 791 |
County - Värmland = 791
| CountyDalarna | 792 |
County - Dalarna = 792
| CountyGavleborg | 793 |
County - Gävleborg = 793
| CountyVasternorrland | 794 |
County - Västernorrland = 794
| CountyJamtland | 795 |
County - Jämtland = 795
| CountyVasterbotten | 796 |
County - Västerbotten = 796
| CountyNorrbotten | 797 |
County - Norrbotten = 797