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InstallationType Enumeration
Enumeration of the different types of installation that is used.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken (in ArtDatabanken.dll) Version: (
public enum InstallationType
  Member nameValueDescription
ArtportalenTest0 Development test server for team Artportalen.
DevelopmentTest1 Development test server.
LocalTest2 Development with local hosting of web applications or web services.
Production3 Production servers.
ServerTest4 Old test server. This option will be removed when the new test servers are up and running.
SpeciesFactTest5 Old test server. This option will be removed when the new test servers are up and running.
SystemTest6 Test server used for system testing.
TwoBlueberriesTest7 Old test server. This option will be removed when the new test servers are up and running.
See Also