GridCoordinateSystem Enumeration |
Enumeration of predefined grid cell coordinate system.
This enumeration makes it easier to handle supported
(by ArtDatabanken) grid cell coordinate systems.
Namespace: ArtDatabanken.DataAssembly: ArtDatabanken (in ArtDatabanken.dll) Version: (
Syntaxpublic enum GridCoordinateSystem
Public Enumeration GridCoordinateSystem
public enum class GridCoordinateSystem
type GridCoordinateSystem
| Member name | Value | Description |
| UnKnown | 0 |
Name used for finding grid cell data for planar GoogleMercator reference frame.
| GoogleMercator | 1 |
Name used for finding grid cell data for planar GoogleMercator reference frame.
| Rt90_25_gon_v | 2 |
Name used for finding grid cell data for the old swedish national reference frame
RT 90 2.5 gon V 0:-15 in SpeciesObservationDatabase.
| SWEREF99_TM | 3 |
Name used for finding grid cell data for the current swedish national referenace frame
SWEREF 99 TM in SpeciesObservationDatabase.
See Also