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WebStatistics Properties

The WebStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAction
Information about which action in web service that the user used.
Public propertyApplicationIdentifier
Identifier for the application that the user used.
Public propertyClientIpAddress
Client IP address.
Public propertyFileType
File type. May be empty if no file was generated.
Public propertyLoginDateTime
Date and time when the user logged in to the web service.
Public propertyPersonCount
Person count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyPictureCount
Picture count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyReferenceCount
Reference count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyRegionCount
Region count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertySpeciesFactCount
Species fact count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertySpeciesObservationCount
Species observation count.
Public propertyTaxonCount
Taxon count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyUserCount
User count. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyUserId
User id.
See Also