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ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data"]

Public classWebAddress
This class represents an adress.
Public classWebAddressType
This class represents an Address Type
Public classWebAgreement
This class represents an agreement.
Public classWebAgreementResponse
This class represents an agreement response.
Public classWebApplication
This class represents an Application
Public classWebApplicationAction
This class represents an application action
Public classWebApplicationVersion
This class represents an application version.
Public classWebAuthority
This class represents an Authority.
Public classWebAuthorityDataType
This class represents an WebAuthorityDataType
Public classWebAuthoritySearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find authorities. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public classWebBirdNestActivity
This class represents information about a bird nest activity. Bird nest activities are ordered. Lower id indicates a higher probability of bird breeding. This class is only used by SwedishSpeciesObservationSOAPService.
Public classWebBoundingBox
A set of 2, 4, 6 or 8 numbers indicating the upper and lower bounds of an interval (1D), rectangle (2D), parallelpiped (3D), or hypercube along each axis of a given coordinate reference system.
Public classWebCityInformation
This class contains information about a city.
Public classWebClientInformation
This class contains information about a client of a web service.
Public classWebCoordinateSystem
This class contains information about the coordinate system that is provided or requested. Use either Id or WKT property to define a coordinate system. Set property Id to value None if the WKT property is used.
Public classWebCountry
This class contains information related to a country.
Public classWebDarwinCore
This class contains information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreChange
Contains information about changes in species observations. This class has three different types of changes. Deleted species observations. New species observations. Updated species observations.
Public classWebDarwinCoreConservation
Not defined in Darwin Core. Conservation related information about the taxon that the species observation is attached to.
Public classWebDarwinCoreEvent
This class contains event information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreGeologicalContext
This class contains geological context information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at This class is currently not used.
Public classWebDarwinCoreIdentification
This class contains identification information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreInformation
Contains information related to one request of species observations.
Public classWebDarwinCoreLocation
This class contains location information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreMeasurementOrFact
This class contains measurement or fact information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at This class is currently not used.
Public classWebDarwinCoreOccurrence
This class contains occurrence information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreProject
Not defined in Darwin Core. Information about the project in which this species observation was made. Only some species observations belongs to a project.
Public classWebDarwinCoreResourceRelationship
This class contains resource relationship information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebDarwinCoreTaxon
This class contains taxon information about a species observation in Darwin Core 1.5 compatible format. Further information about the properties can be found at
Public classWebData
Contains support for dynamic adding of data to WebXXX data classes without breaking the web service interface.
Public classWebDataField
An instance of this class contains one piece of data. The data can be of any type that the enum WebDataType defines.
Public classWebDataFieldListExtension
Contains extension methods to the generic List class with WebDataField elements.
Public classWebDateTimeInterval
This class represents a date and time interval.
Public classWebDateTimeSearchCriteria
This class represents a date and time search criteria.
Public classWebDyntaxaRevisionReferenceRelation
This class represents a reference relation in Dyntaxa that is used during Revision to save state until the revision is checked in.
Public classWebDyntaxaRevisionSpeciesFact
This class represents a species fact in Dyntaxa that is used during Revision to save state until the revision is checked in.
Public classWebExcelFileSettings
Excel file settings used when creating excel files.
Public classWebFactor
This class represents a factor.
Public classWebFactorDataType
This class represents a factor data type.
Public classWebFactorField
This class represents a factor field.
Public classWebFactorFieldEnum
This class represents a factor field enumeration.
Public classWebFactorFieldEnumValue
This class represents a factor field enumeration value.
Public classWebFactorFieldType
This class represents a factor field type.
Public classWebFactorOrigin
This class represents a factor origin.
Public classWebFactorSearchCriteria
This class holds factor filter information.
Public classWebFactorTreeNode
Contains information about a factor tree node.
Public classWebFactorTreeSearchCriteria
This class holds factor tree filter information.
Public classWebFactorType
This class represents a factor type. This class is currently not used.
Public classWebFactorUpdateMode
This class represents a factor update mode.
Public classWebFeatureStatisticsSpecification
This class contains information about what statistics are requested from an web feature service and wich spatial feature type that is to be measured.
Public classWebFileOrder
Web File order model.
Public classWebFileOrderSettings
Web file order type settings. Different properties are used for different type of file orders. E.g. GridSpecification has no effect on FileOrderTypeId.SpeciesObservation file order.
Public classWebFileOrderSystemPublicSettings
Public visible settings for the file order system.
Public classWebFileOrderSystemStatistics
Web File order system statistics model.
Public classWebGridCellCombinedStatistics
This class contains statistics about a grid cell
Public classWebGridCellFeatureStatistics
This class contains information about features in grid cells.
Public classWebGridCellSpeciesCount
This class contains information on counting number of species and species observations, selceted coordinate system, gridcell size, centre coodinates (X and Y) for gridcell. The species counting result i.e. counting number of species observations and species is based on selected species observation search criteria and gridcell size.
Public classWebGridCellSpeciesObservationCount
This class contains information on counting number of species observations, selceted coordinate system, gridcell size, centre coodinates (X and Y) for gridcell. The Observation counting result i.e. counting number of species observations is based on selected species observation search criteria and gridcell size.
Public classWebGridSpecification
This class holds grid information regarding gridcell size, coordinat system and bounding box.
Public classWebIndividualCategory
This class represents an individual category.
Public classWebLinearRing
A LinearRing is a LineString that is both closed and simple. A LineString is a curve with linear interpolation between points. Each consecutive pair of points defines a line segment.
Public classWebLocale
This class represents a locale.
Public classWebLockedUserInformation
Information about a user who is currently locked out from ArtDatabankenSOA. Users are locked out if the fail to login a couple of times.
Public classWebLoginResponse
This class contains the response to a login call to a web service.
Public classWebLogRow
This class represents an entry in the web service log.
Public classWebLumpSplitEvent
Information about a taxonomic change of an existing taxon.
Public classWebLumpSplitEventType
Class with information about a lump split event type.
Public classWebMessageType
This class represents a Message Type. Message types determine type of message that should be sent automatically by the web service once an user is added to a specific role.
Public classWebMultiPolygon
A MultiPolygon is a geometric collection whose elements are polygons. The interiors of any two polygons in a MultiPolygon may not intersect. The boundaries of any two elements in a MultiPolygon may intersect at most at a finite number of points. The assertions for MultiPolygons are: 1. The interiors of 2 Polygons that are elements of a MultiPolygon may not intersect. ∀ M ∈ MultiPolygon, ∀ Pi, Pj ∈ M.Geometries(), i≠j, Interior(Pi) ∩ Interior(Pj) = ∅ 2. The Boundaries of any 2 Polygons that are elements of a MultiPolygon may not ‘cross’ and may touch at only a finite number of points. (Note that crossing is prevented by assertion 1 above). ∀ M ∈ MultiPolygon, ∀ Pi, Pj ∈ M.Geometries(), ∀ ci ∈ Pi.Boundaries(), cj ∈ Pj.Boundaries() ci ∩ cj = {p1, ….., pk | pi ∈ Point, 1 <= i <= k} 3. A MultiPolygon is defined as topologically closed. 4. A MultiPolygon may not have cut lines, spikes or punctures, a MultiPolygon is a Regular, Closed point set: ∀ M ∈ MultiPolygon, M = Closure(Interior(M)) 5. The interior of a MultiPolygon with more than 1 Polygon is not connected, the number of connected components of the interior of a MultiPolygon is equal to the number of Polygons in the MultiPolygon. The boundary of a MultiPolygon is a set of closed curves (LinearRings) corresponding to the boundaries of its element Polygons. Each Curve in the boundary of the MultiPolygon is in the boundary of exactly 1 element Polygon, and every Curve in the boundary of an element Polygon is in the boundary of the MultiPolygon.
Public classWebOrganization
This class represents an organization.
Public classWebOrganizationCategory
This class represents an Organization Type
Public classWebOrganizationSearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find organizations. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public classWebPasswordInformation
This class contains information that is returned in response to a ResetPassword method call.
Public classWebPeriod
This class represents a period.
Public classWebPeriodType
This class represents a period type.
Public classWebPerson
This class represents a person.
Public classWebPersonGender
This class represents a Person Gender
Public classWebPersonSearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find users. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public classWebPhoneNumber
This class represents an phone number.
Public classWebPhoneNumberType
This class represents a Phone Number Type
Public classWebPicture
This class represents a picture.
Public classWebPictureGuid
This class holds information on what GUID is connected to corresponding picture.
Public classWebPictureInformation
This class contains information about a picture.
Public classWebPictureMetaData
This class contains one piece of meta data about a picture.
Public classWebPictureMetaDataDescription
This class represents a picture metadata description.
Public classWebPictureMetaDataInformation
This class contains information about metadata set to a picture for a list of pictures.
Public classWebPictureRelation
This class represents a relation between a picture and an object of arbitrary type.
Public classWebPictureRelationDataType
This class represents a picture relation data type. It is used to specify which type of data that a picture is related to.
Public classWebPictureRelationType
This class represents a picture relation type.
Public classWebPictureResponse
This class contains change response and pictureId for picture that has been created, updated or deleted.
Public classWebPicturesSearchCriteria
This class represents a pictures search criteria.
Public classWebPoint
This class contains information about a geometry coordinate. Coordinates for geometries may be 2D (x, y), 3D (x, y, z), 4D (x, y, z, m) with a m value that is part of a linear reference system or 2D with a m value (x, y, m).
Public classWebPolygon
A Polygon is a planar Surface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. Each interior boundary defines a hole in the Polygon. The assertions for polygons (the rules that define valid polygons) are: 1. Polygons are topologically closed. 2. The boundary of a Polygon consists of a set of LinearRings that make up its exterior and interior boundaries. 3. No two rings in the boundary cross, the rings in the boundary of a Polygon may intersect at a Point but only as a tangent : ∀ P ∈ Polygon, ∀ c1, c2 ∈ P.Boundary(), c1 ≠ c2, ∀ p, q ∈ Point, p, q ∈ c1, p ≠ q, [ p ∈ c2 ⇒ q ∉ c2] 4. A Polygon may not have cut lines, spikes or punctures: ∀ P ∈ Polygon, P = Closure(Interior(P)) 5. The Interior of every Polygon is a connected point set. 6. The Exterior of a Polygon with 1 or more holes is not connected. Each hole defines a connected component of the Exterior. In the above assertions, Interior, Closure and Exterior have the standard topological definitions. The combination of 1 and 3 make a Polygon a Regular Closed point set. Polygons are simple geometries.
Public classWebReference
This class represents a reference.
Public classWebReferenceRelation
Handles a relation between a reference and another object, for example Taxon or TaxonName.
Public classWebReferenceRelationType
Contains definitions of reference relation types.
Public classWebReferenceSearchCriteria
Search criteria used when references are retrieved.
Public classWebRegion
This class contains information about a region. A region can for example represent a county or a municipality.
Public classWebRegionCategory
This class contains information about an region category. Examples of region categories are county and municipality. Most region categories are related to a specific country.
Public classWebRegionGeography
This class contains geography information about a region.
Public classWebRegionSearchCriteria
This class represents a region search criteria.
Public classWebRegionType
This class represents an region type, for example "Political boundary" or "Validate regions".
Public classWebResourceStatus
This class contains status information about some kind of resource that an application is dependent on.
Public classWebResourceType
Definition of possible types of resources.
Public classWebRole
This class represents a role.
Public classWebRoleMember
This class represents a Role member
Public classWebRoleMemberSearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find members (users) of roles. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public classWebRoleSearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find roles. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public classWebSpeciesActivity
Information about a species activity. For example "Carrying food for young"
Public classWebSpeciesActivityCategory
Information about a species activity category. For example "Ensured reproduction"
Public classWebSpeciesFact
This class represents a species fact.
Public classWebSpeciesFactFieldSearchCriteria
Search criteria used when species facts are retrieved. Only parts of the possible functionality is implemented.
Public classWebSpeciesFactQuality
This class represents a species fact quality.
Public classWebSpeciesFactSearchCriteria
This class represents a species fact search criteria.
Public classWebSpeciesObservation
This class contains information about one species observation. How much information that is included about the species observation depends on context and how much information that was requested. This class may contain anything from all information to a single value. Predefined abstract species observation classes together with expected properties: A * after the name indicates that the class or property is not part of Darwin Core 1.5. SpeciesObservation: AccessRights, BasisOfRecord, BibliographicCitation, CollectionCode, CollectionID, DataGeneralizations, DatasetID, DatasetName, DynamicProperties, Id*, InformationWithheld, InstitutionCode, InstitutionID, Language, Modified, Owner*, OwnerInstitutionCode, ReportedBy*, Rights, RightsHolder, SpeciesObservationURL*, Type, ValidationStatus*. Conservation*: ConservationRelevant*, ActionPlan*, Natura2000*, ProtectedByLaw*, ProtectionLevel*, RedlistCategory*, SwedishImmigrationHistory*, SwedishOccurrence*. Event: Day, End*, EndDayOfYear, EventDate, EventID, EventRemarks, EventTime, FieldNotes, FieldNumber, Habitat, Month, SamplingEffort, SamplingProtocol, Start*, StartDayOfYear, VerbatimEventDate, Year. GeologicalContext: Bed, EarliestAgeOrLowestStage, EarliestEonOrLowestEonothem, EarliestEpochOrLowestSeries, EarliestEraOrLowestErathem, EarliestPeriodOrLowestSystem, Formation, GeologicalContextID, Group, HighestBiostratigraphicZone, LatestAgeOrHighestStage, LatestEonOrHighestEonothem, LatestEpochOrHighestSeries, LatestEraOrHighestErathem, LatestPeriodOrHighestSystem, LithostratigraphicTerms, LowestBiostratigraphicZone, Member. Identification: DateIdentified, IdentificationID, IdentificationQualifier, IdentificationReferences, IdentificationRemarks, IdentifiedBy, UncertainDetermination*, TypeStatus. Location: Continent, CoordinateM*, CoordinatePrecision, CoordinateSystemWkt*, CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters, CoordinateX*, CoordinateY*, CoordinateZ*, CoordinatePrecision, Country, CountryCode, County, DecimalLatitude, DecimalLongitude, FootprintSpatialFit, FootprintSRS, FootprintWKT, GeodeticDatum, GeoreferencedBy, GeoreferenceProtocol, GeoreferenceRemarks, GeoreferenceSources, GeoreferenceVerificationStatus, HigherGeography, HigherGeographyID, Island, IslandGroup, Locality, LocationAccordingTo, LocationRemarks, LocationURL*, MaximumDepthInMeters, MaximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters, MaximumElevationInMeters, MinimumDepthInMeters, MinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters, MinimumElevationInMeters, Municipality, Parish*, PointRadiusSpatialFit, StateProvince, VerbatimCoordinates, VerbatimCoordinateSystem, VerbatimDepth, VerbatimElevation, VerbatimLatitude, VerbatimLocality, VerbatimLongitude, VerbatimSRS, WaterBody. MeasurementOrFact: MeasurementAccuracy, MeasurementDeterminedBy, MeasurementDeterminedDate, MeasurementID, MeasurementMethod, MeasurementRemarks, MeasurementType, MeasurementUnit, MeasurementValue. Occurrence: AssociatedMedia, AssociatedOccurrences, AssociatedReferences, AssociatedSequences, AssociatedTaxa, Behavior, CatalogNumber, Disposition, EstablishmentMeans, IndividualCount, IndividualID, IsNeverFoundObservation*, IsNaturalOccurrence*, IsNotRediscoveredObservation*, IsPositiveObservation*, LifeStage, OccurrenceDetails, OccurrenceID, OccurrenceRemarks, OccurrenceStatus, OccurrenceURL*, OtherCatalogNumbers, Preparations, PreviousIdentifications, Quantity*, QuantityUnit* RecordedBy, RecordNumber, ReproductiveCondition, Sex, Substrate*. Project*: IsPublic*, ProjectCategory*, ProjectDescription*, ProjectEndDate*, ProjectID*, ProjectName*, ProjectOwner*, ProjectStartDate*, ProjectURL*, SurveyMethod*. ResourceRelationship: RelatedResourceID, RelationshipAccordingTo, RelationshipEstablishedDate, RelationshipOfResource, RelationshipRemarks, ResourceID, ResourceRelationshipID. Taxon: AcceptedNameUsage, AcceptedNameUsageID, Class, DyntaxaTaxonID*, Family, Genus, HigherClassification, InfraspecificEpithet, Kingdom, NameAccordingTo, NameAccordingToID, NamePublishedIn, NamePublishedInID, NomenclaturalCode, NomenclaturalStatus, Order, OriginalNameUsage, OriginalNameUsageID, ParentNameUsage, ParentNameUsageID, Phylum, ScientificName, ScientificNameAuthorship, ScientificNameID, SpecificEpithet, Subgenus, TaxonConceptID, TaxonConceptStatus*, TaxonID, TaxonRemarks, TaxonSortOrder*, TaxonomicStatus, TaxonRank, TaxonURL*, VerbatimTaxonRank, VernacularName.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationChange
Contains information about changes in species observations. This class has three different types of changes. Created species observations. Deleted species observations. Updated species observations.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationClass
This class contains information about a class that is included in a species observation.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationCoordinate
This class contains minimum information about a species observation. The class is used for performance reasons when many species observations may be retrived.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationDataProvider
This class contains information about a species observation data source in swedish life watch.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationField
This class contains a value for one property in one species observation class.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldDescription
This class contains metadata about a specific data field used in species observation web services.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldIndex
This class contains index information related to a species observation field instance. This class i currently not used.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldMapping
This class contains information describing the mapping between Species observation fields and data fields provided by a specific Data provider (DataProviderId).
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldSearchCriteria
This class contains a search criteria on a combination of class and data field. The search criteria handles several data types.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldSortOrder
SpecificationId of sort order when species observations are retrieved.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationFieldSpecification
This class is used to specify a subset of the data for a species observation. Usually exactly one species observation field for each species observation.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationHarvestDataProvider
This class contains information about a species observation data source in swedish life watch.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationHarvestStatus
This class is used to specify a subset of the data for a species observation update status.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationInformation
Contains information related to one request of species observations.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationPageSpecification
SpecificationId of paging information when species observations are retrieved.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationProperty
This class contains information about a property that is included in a species observation class.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationProvenance
This class contains information about a provenance property.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationProvenanceValue
This class contains values for a property that is included in a provenance class.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
This class holds parameters used to search for species observations. Field search criteria logical operator is used as an WebDataField.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationSpecification
This class is used to specify a subset of the data for a species observation. It is the union of species observation fields defined by property Fields and Specification that defines the subset.
Public classWebSpeciesObservationStatistic
This class contains information about a species observation data source in swedish life watch.
Public classWebStatistics
This class contains statistics information. Instances of this class are used for logging purpose.
Public classWebStringSearchCriteria
This class represents a string search criteria.
Public classWebTaxon
This class represents a taxon.
Public classWebTaxonAlertStatus
Class with information about a taxon alert status.
Public classWebTaxonCategory
Information about a taxon category.
Public classWebTaxonChange
Contains information about changes regarding taxon.
Public classWebTaxonChangeStatus
Class with information about a taxon change status.
Public classWebTaxonChildQualityStatistics
Information about child taxa quality. Each taxon child quality statistics object is related to specified root taxon and taxon quality. The root taxon is included in the result.
Public classWebTaxonChildStatistics
Information about child taxa count. Each taxon child statistics object is related to specified root taxon and taxon category. The following dynamic properties exists: NumberOfSwedishRepro(Int32)
Public classWebTaxonName
This class represents a taxon name. The following dynamic properties exists: NameUsageId (Int32), Version (Int32), ModifiedByPerson (String)
Public classWebTaxonNameCategory
Category of taxon name. Scientific, Swedish etc.
Public classWebTaxonNameCategoryType
Class with information about a taxon name category type.
Public classWebTaxonNameSearchCriteria
Search criterias when taxon names are retrieved.
Public classWebTaxonNameStatus
Information about status of taxon names, (approved, tentatively, invalid, etc.).
Public classWebTaxonNameUsage
Information about usage of taxon names, (Accepted, Synonym, Homotypic, Heterotypic, proParte synonym, Misapplied (auct. name)).
Public classWebTaxonProperties
TODO: Update summary.
Public classWebTaxonRelation
Each taxon relation connects a parent taxon with a child taxon. Current taxon tree is defined by all currently valid taxon relations.
Public classWebTaxonRelationSearchCriteria
Search criterias used when retrieving taxon relations.
Public classWebTaxonRevision
Class with information related to a taxon revision.
Public classWebTaxonRevisionEvent
Class with information about a taxon revision event.
Public classWebTaxonRevisionEventType
Class with information about a taxon revision event type.
Public classWebTaxonRevisionSearchCriteria
This class holds parameters used to search for taxon revisions.
Public classWebTaxonRevisionState
Class with information about a taxon revision state.
Public classWebTaxonSearchCriteria
This class holds parameters used to search for taxa.
Public classWebTaxonSpeciesObservationCount
This class represents the number of observed species related to a taxon.
Public classWebTaxonTreeNode
Contains information about a taxon tree node. No information about WebTaxonRelation is included except sort order and taxon relation that is reflected in the taxon tree structure. The following dynamic properties exists: ChildrenCircularTaxonIds (String) The string consists of a comma seperated list of circular child taxon ids.
Public classWebTaxonTreeSearchCriteria
Search criterias used when retrieving taxon trees.
Public classWebTimeSpan
This class represents a time span.
Public classWebTimeStepSpeciesObservationCount
This class contains a time step specific count of species observations.
Public classWebUser
This class represents a system user.
Public classWebUserSearchCriteria
This class handles search criterias that are used to find users. The operator 'AND' is used between the different search conditions.
Public enumerationLogType
Definition of different types of log messages.
Public enumerationWebDataType
Definition of data types that can be handled in a generic 'Value' property as string.