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WebDataType Enumeration
Definition of data types that can be handled in a generic 'Value' property as string.

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data (in ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data.dll) Version: (
public enum WebDataType
  Member nameValueDescription
Boolean0 A Boolean value. String representation of a Boolean value is either True or False.
DateTime1 A DateTime value. String representation of a DateTime value is in the format Year-Month-DayTHour:Minute:Second:PartOfSecond, example 2008-06-15T21:15:07.0000000.
Float642 A Float value. Standard 64-bit floating point. String representation of a Float64 value is in the format 3.1415926536E+000.
Int323 An Int32 value. String representation of a Int32 value is in the format 2147483647.
Int644 An Int64 value. String representation of a Int64 value is in the format 9223372036854775807.
String5 A String value.
See Also