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WebSpeciesFactSearchCriteria Properties

The WebSpeciesFactSearchCriteria type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFactorDataTypeIds
Search for species facts that belongs to factors that is of one of these factor data types.
Public propertyFactorIds
Search for species facts that belongs to specified factors.
Public propertyFieldLogicalOperator
Logical operator to use between field search criteria if more than one field search criteria are specified. Possible logical operator values are AND or OR.
Public propertyFieldSearchCriteria
Search criteria for fields in species facts.
Public propertyHostIds
Search for species facts that are related to specified hosts. Host ids are taxon ids according to Dyntaxa.
Public propertyIncludeNotValidHosts
Specify if species facts related to not valid hosts should be included or not. Valid hosts are always included in the species fact search.
Public propertyIncludeNotValidTaxa
Specify if species facts related to not valid taxa should be included or not. Valid taxa are always included in the species fact search.
Public propertyIndividualCategoryIds
Search for species facts that belongs to specified individual categories.
Public propertyIsIsPeriodicSpecified
Property IsIsPeriodicSpecified indicates if property IsPeriodic has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyIsIsPublicSpecified
Property IsIsPublicSpecified indicates if property IsPublic has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyIsIsTaxonomicSpecified
Property IsIsTaxonomicSpecified indicates if property IsTaxonomic has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyIsPeriodic
Restrict search to periodic or not periodic species facts. Property IsIsPeriodicSpecified indicates if this property has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyIsPublic
Restrict search to public or not public species facts. Property IsIsPublicSpecified indicates if this property has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyIsTaxonomic
Restrict search to taxonomic or not taxonomic species facts. Property IsIsTaxonomicSpecified indicates if this property has a value or not. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyPeriodIds
Search for species facts that belongs to specified periods.
Public propertyQualityIds
Search for species facts that has one of the specified quality values. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyReferenceIds
Search for species facts that belongs to specified references. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyTaxonIds
Search for species facts that belongs to specified taxa. Taxon ids are according to Dyntaxa.
Public propertyUpdateDateSearchCriteria
Search species facts based on update date and time. Not all functionality in WebDateTimeSearchCriteria are implemented. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyUpdatePersonSearchCriteria
String search criteria to match with names of persons that has modified species facts. Exactly one string compare operator must be specified. This property is currently not used.
See Also