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AnalysisService Class
Implementation of the web service AnalysisService. This web service is used to retrieve information about species observations made in Sweden.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AnalysisService
Assembly: AnalysisService (in AnalysisService.dll) Version: (
public class AnalysisService : WebServiceBase, 

The AnalysisService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAnalysisService
Initializes a new instance of the AnalysisService class
Public methodGetGridCellFeatureStatisticsCombinedWithSpeciesObservationCounts
Gets the grid cell feature statistics combined with species observation counts.
Public methodGetGridFeatureStatistics
Get information about spatial features in a grid representation inside a user supplied bounding box.
Public methodGetGridFeatureStatisticsCombinedWithSpeciesObservationCounts
Gets the grid cell feature statistics combined with species observation counts.
Public methodGetGridSpeciesCountsBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
This method get species (Taxa of category species) and observations per grid cell that matches species observation search criteria, grid cell specifications and specified coordinate system to getting results in.
Public methodGetGridSpeciesObservationCountsBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Gets no of species observations that matches the search criteria and selected grid specifications.
Public methodGetHostsBySpeciesFactSearchCriteria
Get unique hosts for all species facts that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetSpeciesCountBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Get number of species that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetSpeciesObservationAOOEOOAsGeoJson
Get EOO as geojson, EOO and AOO area as attributes
Public methodGetSpeciesObservationCountBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Get number of species observations that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetSpeciesObservationProvenancesBySearchCriteria
Get species observation provenances that matches the search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxaBySpeciesFactSearchCriteria
Get unique taxa for all species facts that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxaBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Get no of species that matches WebSpeciesObservationSearchCriteria and specified what coordinate system to use in WebCoordinateSystem.
Public methodGetTaxaWithSpeciesObservationCountsBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Get no of species, with related number of observed species, that matches WebSpeciesObservationSearchCriteria and specified what coordinate system to use in WebCoordinateSystem.
Public methodGetTimeSpeciesObservationCountsBySpeciesObservationSearchCriteria
Get time step specific species observation counts for a specific set of species observation search criteria. Only counts greater than zero is included in the resulting list.
Public methodLogStatistics
Log statistics.
See Also