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StringExtension Methods

The StringExtension type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCheckEmpty
Check that an argument is empty.
Public methodStatic memberCheckHTMLInjection
This is an attempt to handle problems with HTML and Java script injection.
Public methodStatic memberCheckInjection
Wrapper method for all injection checks
Public methodStatic memberCheckJsonInjection
This is an attempt to handle problems with Json injection.
Public methodStatic memberCheckLength
Check that the string is not longer than specified length.
Public methodStatic memberCheckNotEmpty
Check that an argument is not empty.
Public methodStatic memberCheckRegularExpression
Check that the string matches the regular expression.
Public methodStatic memberCheckSqlInjection
This is an attempt to handle problems with SQL injection.
Public methodStatic memberFirstLetterToUpper
Returns a string where the first letter is capitalized.
Public methodStatic memberIsDateTime
Test if a string represents a data time value.
Public methodStatic memberIsEmpty
Test if a string is empty.
Public methodStatic memberIsNotEmpty
Test if a string is not empty.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidEmail
Test if a string is a valid email address.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveDuplicateBlanks
Removes all duplicated blanks in a string.
Public methodStatic memberToString(String, String, Boolean)
Returns the str or the defaultValue if the str is null.
Public methodStatic memberToString(String, IFormatProvider, String, Boolean)
Returns the str or the defaultValue if the str is null.
Public methodStatic memberWebParseBoolean
Parse a Boolean value that has been received over the internet.
Public methodStatic memberWebParseDateTime
Parse a DateTime value that has been received over the internet.
Public methodStatic memberWebParseDouble
Parse a Double value that has been received over the internet.
Public methodStatic memberWebParseInt32
Parse a Int32 value that has been received over the internet.
Public methodStatic memberWebParseInt64
Parse a Int64 value that has been received over the internet.
See Also