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WebFactorFieldEnumValue Properties

The WebFactorFieldEnumValue type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreatedBy
User id that created the record. Set by database when inserted. Mandatory ie always required. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date record was created. Set by database when inserted. Mandatory ie always required. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyEnumId
Id for the factor field enumeration which this factor field enumeration value belongs to.
Public propertyId
Id for this factor field enumeration value.
Public propertyInformation
Information and definition text for this field enumeration value.
Public propertyIsKeyIntegerSpecified
Indication about whether or not this field enumeration has a integer key.
Public propertyKeyInteger
Key integer value for this field enumeration value.
Public propertyKeyText
Key text value for this field enumeration value.
Public propertyLabel
Label for this field enumeration value.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Id of the user that made the latest update of the record. Set by database when record is modified. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyModifiedDate
Date when the latest update of the record was done. Set by database when record is modified. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyShouldBeSaved
Indication about whether or not this field enumeration value should be saved to Database.
Public propertySortOrder
Sort order for this field enumeration value.
See Also