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WebFactor Class
This class represents a factor.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data
Assembly: ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data (in ArtDatabanken.WebService.Data.dll) Version: (
public class WebFactor : WebData

The WebFactor type exposes the following members.

Public methodWebFactor
Initializes a new instance of the WebFactor class
Public propertyCategoryId
Factor is of this category. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyCreatedBy
User id that created the record. Set by database when inserted. Mandatory ie always required. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date record was created. Set by database when inserted. Mandatory ie always required. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyDataTypeId
Id of the factor data type of this factor. Property IsDataTypeIdSpecified indicates if this property has a value or not.
Public propertyDefaultHostParentTaxonId
Taxon id for parent taxon for all potential host taxa associated with this factor. This property is used only if the property IsTaxonomic is true.
Public propertyHostLabel
Host label for this factor. This property is used only if the property IsTaxonomic is true.
Public propertyId
Id for this factor.
Public propertyInformation
Information about this factor.
Public propertyIsDataTypeIdSpecified
Indicates if this factor has a data type or not.
Public propertyIsLeaf
Indicates if this factor is a leaf in the factor tree.
Public propertyIsPeriodic
Indication about whether or not this factor is periodic.
Public propertyIsPublic
Indication about whether or not this factor should be available for public use.
Public propertyIsTaxonomic
Indication about whether or not this factor can be associated with a host taxon.
Public propertyLabel
Label for this factor.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Id of the user that made the latest update of the record. Set by database when record is modified. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyModifiedDate
Date when the latest update of the record was done. Set by database when record is modified. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyName
Name for this factor.
Public propertyOriginId
Id of the factor origin of this factor.
Public propertySortOrder
Sort order for this factor.
Public propertyTypeId
Id of the factor type of this factor. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyUpdateModeId
Id of the factor update mode of this factor.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCheckNotNull
Check that an argument is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodCheckNull
Check that an argument is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNotNull
Test if an object reference is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNull
Test if an object reference is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
See Also