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TaxonDataSource Methods

The TaxonDataSource type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckInTaxonRevision
Check in a taxon revision.
Public methodCheckOutTaxonRevision
Check out a taxon revision.
Public methodConvertWebTaxonRelations
Convert a list of WebTaxonRelation to TaxonRelationList.
Public methodCreateLumpSplitEvent
Create lump split event.
Public methodCreateTaxon
Create taxon.
Public methodCreateTaxonName
Create a taxon name.
Public methodCreateTaxonProperties
Create taxon properties.
Public methodCreateTaxonRelation
Create taxon relation.
Public methodCreateTaxonRevisionEvent
Create taxon revision event.
Public methodDeleteTaxonRevision
Delete a taxon revision.
Public methodDeleteTaxonRevisionEvent
Rolls back all changes for one revisionevent
Public methodGetLumpSplitEvent
Get lump split event with specified GUID.
Public methodGetLumpSplitEventsByNewReplacingTaxon
Get taxon lump split events for specified taxon.
Public methodGetLumpSplitEventsByOldReplacedTaxon
Get taxon lump split events for replaced taxon.
Public methodGetLumpSplitEventTypes
Get all lump split event types.
Public methodGetTaxa(IUserContext, ITaxonSearchCriteria)
Get taxa that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxa(IUserContext, ListInt32)
Get taxa with specified ids.
Public methodGetTaxon(IUserContext, Int32)
Get taxon with specifed Id.
Public methodGetTaxon(IUserContext, String)
Get taxon with specified GUID.
Public methodGetTaxonAlertStatuses
Get all taxon alert statuses.
Public methodGetTaxonCategories(IUserContext)
Get all taxon categories.
Public methodGetTaxonCategories(IUserContext, ITaxon)
Get all taxon categories related to specified taxon. This includes: Taxon categories for parent taxa to specified taxon. Taxon category for specified taxon. Taxon categories for child taxa to specified taxon.
Public methodGetTaxonChange
Get list of changes made regarding taxa. Current version return changes regarding: - new taxon - new/edited taxon name (scientific + common) - lump/split events - taxon category changes
Public methodGetTaxonChangeStatuses
Get all taxon change statuses.
Public methodGetTaxonChildQualityStatistics(IUserContext, ITaxon)
Get taxon quality summary
Public methodGetTaxonChildQualityStatistics(IUserContext, WebTaxonChildQualityStatistics, ITaxon)
Get TaxonQualitySummary object from WebTaxonQualitySummary object
Public methodGetTaxonChildStatistics
Get taxon statistics from database.
Public methodGetTaxonConceptDefinition
Get concept definition for specified taxon.
Public methodGetTaxonName(IUserContext, Int32)
Get taxon name with specified id.
Public methodGetTaxonName(IUserContext, String)
Get taxon name with specified GUID.
Public methodGetTaxonNameCategories
Get all taxon name categories.
Public methodGetTaxonNameCategoryTypes
Get all taxon name category types.
Public methodGetTaxonNames(IUserContext, ITaxon)
Get all taxon names for specified taxon.
Public methodGetTaxonNames(IUserContext, ITaxonNameSearchCriteria)
Get taxon names that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxonNames(IUserContext, TaxonList)
Get all taxon names for specified taxa. The result is sorted in the same order as input taxa.
Public methodGetTaxonNameStatuses
Get information about possbile statuses for taxon names.
Public methodGetTaxonNameUsages
Get information about possible name usage for taxon names.
Public methodGetTaxonProperties
Get all taxon properties for specified taxon.
Public methodGetTaxonRelations
Get taxon relations that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxonRevision(IUserContext, Int32)
Get revision by id.
Public methodGetTaxonRevision(IUserContext, String)
Get taxon revision with specified GUID.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisionEvent
Get taxon revision event with specified id.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisionEvents
Get taxon revision events for specified taxon revision.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisionEventTypes
Get all taxon revision event types.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisions(IUserContext, ITaxon)
Get all revisions that affected a taxon or its childtaxa.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisions(IUserContext, ITaxonRevisionSearchCriteria)
Get taxon revisions that matches search criteria.
Public methodGetTaxonRevisionStates
Get all taxon revision states.
Public methodGetTaxonTrees
Get information about taxon trees that matches the search criteria. All taxon tree nodes without parents are returned if no taxon ids are specified.
Public methodGetWebTaxonRelations
Get Web Taxon Relations by search criteria.
Public methodLogin
Login user.
Public methodLogout
Logout user.
Public methodSaveTaxonNames
Saves taxon name. Ny funktion efter re-design av TaxonName objektet -- GuNy 2012-03-22
Public methodSaveTaxonRevision
Save revision.
Public methodStatic memberSetDataSource
Set GeoReferenceService as data source in the onion data model.
Public methodUpdateTaxonChange
Update TaxonChange object.
Public methodUpdateTaxonProperties
Update taxon properties.
Public methodUpdateTaxonRelation
Update taxon relation.
Public methodUpdateTaxonRevisionEvent
Update taxon revision event.
Public methodUpdateTaxonTreeSortOrder
Internal sorting of all taxa w/ same parent taxon.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCheckNotNull
Check that an argument is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodCheckNull
Check that an argument is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNotNull
Test if an object reference is not null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
Public Extension MethodIsNull
Test if an object reference is null.
(Defined by ObjectExtension.)
See Also