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WebSpeciesObservationSearchCriteria Properties

The WebSpeciesObservationSearchCriteria type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccuracy
Requested minimum accuracy of the coordinates. Species observations with bad accurray (ie higher accuracy value ) will not be included in the search result. Unit is meters. Use values ​​equal to or greater than zero. Parameter IsAccuracySpecified must be set to true if property Accuracy should be used.
Public propertyBirdNestActivityLimit
Limit returned observations based on bird nest activity level. Only bird observations in Artportalen are affected by this search criteria. Only bird observations with the specified bird nest activity level or stronger may be returned. Observation of other organism groups (not birds) are not affected by this search criteria. Use method GetBirdNestActivities() in web service SwedishSpeciesObservationService to retrieve currently used bird nest activities. Property BirdNestActivityLimit should be set to the Id value of the selected bird nest activity. Set property IsBirdNestActivityLimitSpecified to true if this property is used.
Public propertyBoundingBox
Limit returned observations to specified bounding box. Currently only two-dimensional bounding boxes can be used.
Public propertyChangeDateTime
Search observations based on date and time when the observation was last changed. Not all functionality in WebDateTimeSearchCriteria are implemented. Current restrictions: Only Days are handled if Accuracy has been specified.
Public propertyDataProviderGuids
List of data sources to use in the search. All data sources are used if no specific data sources are provided.
Public propertyFieldSearchCriteria
Limit search based on values for any data that is related to species observations.
Public propertyIncludeNeverFoundObservations
This property indicates whether to search for never found observations. "Never found observations" is an observation that says that the specified species was not found in a location deemed appropriate for the species.
Public propertyIncludeNotRediscoveredObservations
This property indicates whether to search for not rediscovered observations. "Not rediscovered observations" is an observation that says that the specified species was not found in a location where it has previously been observed.
Public propertyIncludePositiveObservations
This property indicates whether to search for positive observations. "Positive observations" are normal observations indicating that a species has been seen at a specified location.
Public propertyIncludeRedListCategories
Search observations based on taxa that is readlisted in any of the specified red list categories. If property IncludeRedListCategories is not empty all taxa that is redlisted in any of the specified red list categories are added to property TaxonIds by the web service. Provided red list categories must be among the values DD, RE, CR, EN, VU or NT in the enum RedListCategory. The other values in enum RedListCategory are not valid search criterias.
Public propertyIncludeRedlistedTaxa
Search observations based on readlisted taxa. If property IncludeRedlistedTaxa is set to true all redlisted taxa is added to property TaxonIds by the web service.
Public propertyIsAccuracyConsidered
Indicates if species observations that are outside geographic area (e.g. bounding box, polygons or regions) but close enough when accuracy of observation are considered should be included in the result. This property has no impact on returned information if no geographic area is involved in the search.
Public propertyIsAccuracySpecified
Indicates if property Accuracy has been set.
Public propertyIsBirdNestActivityLimitSpecified
Indicates if property BirdNestActivityLimit has been set.
Public propertyIsDisturbanceSensitivityConsidered
Indicates if species observations that are outside geography area (bounding box, polygons or regions) but close enough when disturbance sensitivity of species are considered should be included in the result.
Public propertyIsIsNaturalOccurrenceSpecified
Indicates if property IsNaturalOccurrence should be used or not.
Public propertyIsMaxProtectionLevelSpecified
Indicates if property MaxProtectionLevel has been set.
Public propertyIsMinProtectionLevelSpecified
Indicates if property MinProtectionLevel has been set.
Public propertyIsNaturalOccurrence
Restrict search based on if a positive observation is natural or not. Property IsIsNaturalOccurrenceSpecified indicates if property IsNaturalOccurrence should be used or not.
Public propertyLocalityNameSearchString
String search criteria to match with locality names. Exactly one string compare operator must be specified.
Public propertyMaxProtectionLevel
Only observations that has a protection level that is equal to or lower than the value of this property are included in the result. 1 is the lowest possible value.
Public propertyMinProtectionLevel
Only observations that has a protection level that is equal to or higher than the value of this property are included in the result. 1 is the lowest possible value.
Public propertyObservationDateTime
Search observations based on observation date and time. Not all functionality in WebDateTimeSearchCriteria are implemented. Current restrictions: Only Days are handled if Accuracy has been specified.
Public propertyObserverIds
Search observations based on observers. Observer id corresponds to person id in the user service. Observations that are not related to persons defined in user service will not match this search criteria. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyObserverSearchString
String search criteria to match with observer names. Exactly one string compare operator must be specified.
Public propertyPolygons
Search observations that are inside specified polygons.
Public propertyProjectGuids
Get observations related to specified projects (projects corresponds to "syfte" in Artportalen 1). This property is currently not used.
Public propertyRegionGuids
Limit search to specified regions. Regions are defined by GeoReferenceService.
Public propertyRegionLogicalOperator
Specify how regions, polygons or bounding box should be logically combined when species observations are searched. The logical operator OR are used between spatial geometries. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyReportedDateTime
Search observations based on reported date and time. Not all functionality in WebDateTimeSearchCriteria are implemented. Current restrictions: Only Days are handled if Accuracy has been specified.
Public propertySpeciesActivityIds
Limit returned observations based on species activities. Use method GetSpeciesActivities() in web service SwedishSpeciesObservationService to retrieve currently used species activities. This property is currently not used.
Public propertyTaxonIds
Limit search to taxa with specified ids. Ids for taxon are defined in web application Dyntaxa ( Species observations made on sub taxa to specified taxa are also included in returned species observations.
Public propertyValidationStatusIds
Return only observations with specified validation status. This property is currently not used.
See Also