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WebPerson Properties

The WebPerson type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddresses
Addresses. The list object is automatically created. It is optional to add addresses, but a person should be enforsed to provide at least one address in the process of user registration. If the person do not want to show its full address to other users the person should set ShowAddresses to False.
Public propertyAdministrationRoleId
Administration role id. Optional. It is set by super administrators in order to enable delegation of the administration of this object.
Public propertyBirthYear
Year person was born. Optional.
Public propertyCreatedBy
User id that created the person. Set by database when inserted.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date and time when the person was created. Not null. Is set by the database.
Public propertyDeathYear
Year person died. Optional.
Public propertyEmailAddress
E-mail address. Is mandatory if the person object is associated with a user. If the user do not want to expose this information in public set ShowEmailAddress to False.
Public propertyFirstName
Persons first name. Mandatory. Max length 50.
Public propertyGender
Gender. Not null. Is by default set to "Not specified".
Public propertyGenderId
Gender id. Not null. Is by default set to 3, which is the id representing "Not specified".
Public propertyGUID
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for this object. It is a LSID, which is unique for each version of the record holding the information included in this object. It is updated automatically by database each time information is saved.
Public propertyHasSpeciesCollection
HasSpeciesCollection Is set to False by default in database. If set to True the Person owns a collection of biological material related to taxon observations.
Public propertyId
Id for this person.
Public propertyIsAdministrationRoleIdSpecified
Is administration role id specified.
Public propertyIsBirthYearSpecified
Is birth year specified.
Public propertyIsDeathYearSpecified
Is death year specified.
Public propertyIsUserIdSpecified
Is user id specified.
Public propertyLastName
Persons last name. Mandatory. Max length 50.
Public propertyLocale
Selected locale (language) for this person. Mandatory.
Public propertyLocaleISOCode
ISO code representing selected locale (langage) for this person.
Public propertyMiddleName
Persons middle name. Optional. Max length 50.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Id of user that modified the object. Not null. Must be set each time the object is saved.
Public propertyModifiedDate
Date and time when the object was last modified. Not null. Is set by the database.
Public propertyPhoneNumbers
Phone numbers. The list object is automatically created.
Public propertyPresentation
Presentation about the person. Optional. Max length 3000.
Public propertyShowAddresses
Show addresses to all. Is set to False by default in database. If False address information (except City) should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its addresses to all other users.
Public propertyShowEmailAddress
Show E-mail address to all. Is set to False by default in database. If False E-mail should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its E-mail to all other users.
Public propertyShowPersonalInformation
Show personal information (gender, birthyear) to all. If False personal information should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its personal information to all other users.
Public propertyShowPhoneNumbers
Show phone numbers to all. If False phone number information should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its phone numbers to all other users.
Public propertyShowPresentation
Show presentation. If False presentation should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its presentation to all other users.
Public propertyTaxonNameTypeId
Selected Taxon name type id. Id represents the name type in the taxonomic database called Dyntaxa. Not null. It is by default set to 0 which correspond to Scientific names. It should reflect the persons preferens for how taxon names should be presented.
Public propertyURL
URL to the persons homepage. Optional. Max length 400.
Public propertyUserId
User id. Optional. Is set by functions when a person is associated with a user account.
See Also