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RedListCalculation Properties

The RedListCalculation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAreaOfOccupancy
Handle area of occupancy. Unit is square km. Factor: AreaOfOccupancy_B2Estimated, Id = 734. Has Probable, min and max values. Usage: Is used by criteria B2.
Public propertyCategory
Get red list category.
Public propertyContinuingDecline
Handle continuing decline. Unit. -1 = Populationen growth. 0 = Populationen is stable. 1 = Probable decrease. 2 = Decrease or expected decrease. 3 = Decrease of >5% within 10 years or 3 generations 4 = Decrease of >10% within 10 years or 3 generations 5 = Decrease of >20% within 5 years or 2 generations 6 = Decrease of >25% within 3 years or 1 generations Factor: ContinuingDecline, Id = 678. Usage: Is used by criteria B1B, B2B and C2.
Public propertyContinuingDeclineMax
Max value for continuing decline. Factor: ContinuingDecline, Id = 678.
Public propertyContinuingDeclineMin
Min value for continuing decline. Factor: ContinuingDecline, Id = 678.
Public propertyCriteria
Get red list criteria.
Public propertyExtentOfOccurrence
Handle extent of occurrence. Unit is square km. Factor: ExtentOfOccurrence_B1Estimated, Id = 731. Has Probable, min and max values. Usage: Is used by criteria B1.
Public propertyExtremeFluctuations
Handle extreme fluctuations. Unit: 0 = No extreme fluctuations. 1 = Probably extreme fluctuations. 2 = Extreme fluctuations. Factor: ExtremeFluctuations, Id = 718 Usage: Is used by criteria B1C, B2C and C2B.
Public propertyExtremeFluctuationsMax
Max value for extreme fluctuations. Factor: ExtremeFluctuations, Id = 718
Public propertyExtremeFluctuationsMin
Min value for extreme fluctuations. Factor: ExtremeFluctuations, Id = 718
Public propertyGenerationLength
Handle generation length.
Public propertyHasAreaOfOccupancy
Handle if area of occupancy has been set.
Public propertyHasContinuingDecline
Handle if continuing decline has been set.
Public propertyHasExtentOfOccurrence
Handle if extent of occurrence has been set.
Public propertyHasExtremeFluctuations
Test if extreme fluctuations has been set.
Public propertyHasGenerationLength
Handle if generation length has been set.
Public propertyHasMaxProportionLocalPopulation
Test if max proportion of local population has been set.
Public propertyHasMaxSizeLocalPopulation
Test if max size of local population has been set.
Public propertyHasNumberOfLocations
Test if number of locations has been set.
Public propertyHasPopulationReductionA1
Test if population size reduction A1 has been set.
Public propertyHasPopulationReductionA2
Test if population size reduction A2 has been set.
Public propertyHasPopulationReductionA3
Test if population size reduction A3 has been set.
Public propertyHasPopulationReductionA4
Test if population size reduction A4 has been set.
Public propertyHasPopulationSize
Test if population size has been set.
Public propertyHasProbabilityOfExtinction
Test if probability of extinction has been set.
Public propertyHasSeverlyFragmented
Test if severly fragmented has been set.
Public propertyHasVeryRestrictedArea
Test if very restricted area has been set.
Public propertyIsCriteriaA1AFulfilled
Test if criteria A1A is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Direct observation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A1a, Id = 686,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA1BFulfilled
Test if criteria A1B is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Index of abundance. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A1b, Id = 687,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA1CFulfilled
Test if criteria A1C is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Decline in geography. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A1c, Id = 688,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA1DFulfilled
Test if criteria A1D is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Levels of exploitation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A1d, Id = 689,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA1EFulfilled
Test if criteria A1E is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Effects of other taxa. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A1e, Id = 690,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA2AFulfilled
Test if criteria A2A is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Direct observation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A2a, Id = 694,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA2BFulfilled
Test if criteria A2B is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Index of abundance. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A2b, Id = 695,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA2CFulfilled
Test if criteria A2C is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Decline in geography. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A2c, Id = 696,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA2DFulfilled
Test if criteria A2D is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Levels of exploitation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A2d, Id = 697,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA2EFulfilled
Test if criteria A2E is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Effects of other taxa. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A2e, Id = 698,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA3BFulfilled
Test if criteria A2B is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Index of abundance. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A3b, Id = 702,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA3CFulfilled
Test if criteria A2C is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Decline in geography. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A3c, Id = 703,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA3DFulfilled
Test if criteria A3D is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Levels of exploitation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A3d, Id = 704,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA3EFulfilled
Test if criteria A3E is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Effects of other taxa. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A3e, Id = 705,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA4AFulfilled
Test if criteria A4A is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Direct observation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A4a, Id = 709,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA4BFulfilled
Test if criteria A4B is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Index of abundance. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A4b, Id = 710,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA4CFulfilled
Test if criteria A4C is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Decline in geography. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A4c, Id = 711,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA4DFulfilled
Test if criteria A4D is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Levels of exploitation. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A4d, Id = 712,
Public propertyIsCriteriaA4EFulfilled
Test if criteria A4E is Fulfilled. Reduction in population. Effects of other taxa. Factor: ReductionBasedOn_A4e, Id = 713,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBB1Fulfilled
Test if criteria BB1 is Fulfilled. Continuing decline in extent of occurence. Factor: ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbi, Id = 673,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBB2Fulfilled
Test if criteria BB2 is Fulfilled. Continuing decline in area of occupancy. Factor: ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbii, Id = 674,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBB3Fulfilled
Test if criteria BB3 is Fulfilled. Continuing decline in area, extent and/or quiality of habitat. Factor: ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiii, Id = 675,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBB4Fulfilled
Test if criteria BB4 is Fulfilled. Continuing decline in number of locations or subpopulations. Factor: ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbiv, Id = 676,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBB5Fulfilled
Test if criteria BB5 is Fulfilled. Continuing decline in number of mature individuals. Factor: ContinuingDeclineBasedOn_Bbv, Id = 677,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBBFulfilled
Test if criteria BB is Fulfilled. Continuing decline.
Public propertyIsCriteriaBC1Fulfilled
Test if criteria BC1 is Fulfilled. Extreme fluctuations in extent of occurrence. Factor: ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bci, Id = 721,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBC2Fulfilled
Test if criteria BC2 is Fulfilled. Extreme fluctuations in area of occupancy. Factor: ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bcii, Id = 722,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBC3Fulfilled
Test if criteria BC3 is Fulfilled. Extreme fluctuations in number of locations or subpopulations. Factor: ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciii, Id = 723,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBC4Fulfilled
Test if criteria BC4 is Fulfilled. Extreme fluctuations in number of mature individuals. Factor: ExtremeFluctuationsIn_Bciv, Id = 724,
Public propertyIsCriteriaBCFulfilled
Test if criteria BC is Fulfilled. Extreme fluctuations.
Public propertyIsCriteriaCalculated
Flag that indicates if Criteria is calculated. This flag is used to avoid unnecessary calculations.
Public propertyIsEvaluationStatusSet
Test if evaluation status has been set. No calculation should be done if evaluation status has not been set.
Public propertyIsInInit
Test if initialization is being performed.
Public propertyMaxProportionLocalPopulation
Handle max proportion local population. Unit is max number of per cent in one subpopulation of the total population, e.g. 90% individuals in one subpopulation has the value 90.0 Factor: MaxProportionLocalPopulation, Id = 717 Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyMaxSizeLocalPopulation
Handle max size of local population. Unit: Max number of individuals in one population. Factor: MaxSizeLocalPopulation, Id = 716 Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyNumberOfLocations
Handle number of locations. Unit is location count. Factor: NumberOfLocations, Id = 727, Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyPopulationReductionA1
Handle population size reduction A1. Unit is number of per cent in reduction to previouse population size, e.g. 90% reduction has the value 90.0 Factor: Reduction_A1, Id = 684, Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyPopulationReductionA2
Handle population size reduction A2. Unit is number of per cent in reduction to previouse population size, e.g. 90% reduction has the value 90.0 Factor: Reduction_A2, Id = 692, Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyPopulationReductionA3
Handle population size reduction A3. Unit is number of per cent in reduction to previouse population size, e.g. 90% reduction has the value 90.0 Factor: Reduction_A3, Id = 700, Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyPopulationReductionA4
Handle population size reduction A4. Unit is number of per cent in reduction to previouse population size, e.g. 90% reduction has the value 90.0 Factor: Reduction_A4, Id = 707, Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyPopulationSize
Handle population size. Unit. Number of mature individuals. Factor: PopulationSize_Total, Id = 715 Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyProbabilityOfExtinction
Handle probability of extinction. Unit. 0 = Probability of extinction is at least 50% within 10 years or 3 generations. 1 = Probability of extinction is at least 20% within 20 years or 5 generations. 2 = Probability of extinction is at least 10% within 100 years. 3 = Probability of extinction is at least 5% within 100 years. 4 = Probability of extinction is at lower than 5% within 100 years. Factor: ProbabilityOfExtinction, Id = 736. Has Probable, min and max values.
Public propertyProbabilityOfExtinctionMax
Max value for probability of extinction. Factor: ProbabilityOfExtinction, Id = 736.
Public propertyProbabilityOfExtinctionMin
Min value for probability of extinction. Factor: ProbabilityOfExtinction, Id = 736.
Public propertySeverlyFragmented
Handle severly fragmented. Unit: 0 = Not severly fragmented. 1 = Probably severly fragmented. 2 = Populationen is severly fragmented. Factor: SeverelyFragmented, Id = 726,
Public propertySeverlyFragmentedMax
Max value for severly fragmented. Factor: SeverelyFragmented, Id = 726,
Public propertySeverlyFragmentedMin
Min value for severly fragmented. Factor: SeverelyFragmented, Id = 726,
Public propertyVeryRestrictedArea
Handle very restricted area. Unit. 0 = VU. 1 = NT. 2 = LC. Factor: VeryRestrictedArea_D2VU, Id = 728.
Public propertyVeryRestrictedAreaMax
Max value for very restricted area. Factor: VeryRestrictedArea_D2VU, Id = 728.
Public propertyVeryRestrictedAreaMin
Min value for very restricted area. Factor: VeryRestrictedArea_D2VU, Id = 728.
See Also