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WebRole Properties

The WebRole type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdministrationRoleId
Administration role id.
Public propertyAuthorities
Public propertyCreatedBy
UserId that created the record Set by database when inserted
Public propertyCreatedDate
Date record was created
Public propertyDescription
Public propertyGUID
GUID value
Public propertyId
Id for this role
Public propertyIdentifier
Identifier for this role
Public propertyIsActivationRequired
Is activation of role membership required for this role.
Public propertyIsAdministrationRoleIdSpecified
Is administration role id specified.
Public propertyIsOrganizationIdSpecified
Is organization id specified.
Public propertyIsUserAdministrationRole
Is the role used as a user administration role
Public propertyIsUserAdministrationRoleIdSpecified
Is user administration role id specified.
Public propertyMessageTypeId
Id of the Message Type
Public propertyModifiedBy
UserId that modified the record Set by database when record is modified
Public propertyModifiedDate
Date record was last modified
Public propertyName
Public propertyOrganizationId
Organization id that this role relates to.
Public propertyShortName
Public propertyUserAdministrationRoleId
User administration role id.
Public propertyValidFromDate
Date role is valid from
Public propertyValidToDate
Date role is valid to
See Also