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User Properties

The User type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivationKey
Activation key. Not Null. Is generated by user web service when a user is crated.
Public propertyAdministrationRoleId
Administration role id. Optional. It is set by super administrators in order to enable delegation of the administration of this object.
Public propertyApplicationId
Application id. Nullable, but should have a value if UserType is set to Application.
Public propertyAuthenticationType
Authentication type. Default type is Form Autentication. Currently this is the only type handled.
Public propertyDataContext
Data context.
Public propertyEmailAddress
E-mail address. If User type is Person, E-mail address is mandatory (EmailAddress is allways equal to Person.EmailAddress).
Public propertyGUID
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for this object. It is a LSID, which is unique for each version of the record holding the information included in this object. It is updated automatically by database each time information is saved.
Public propertyId
Id for this user. Value is generated by the database when the information representing the User is inserted.
Public propertyIsAccountActivated
Account activated. Not null. Is set to false by default. Is set to true by Activation method when User account is sucessfully activated.
Public propertyPersonId
Person id. Nullable, but should have a value if UserType is set to Person.
Public propertyShowEmailAddress
Show E-mail address. Is set to False by default in database. If False E-mail should not be exposed to public users. It should only be set to true by the user if the user wants to expose its E-mail to all users.
Public propertyType
UserType: Application or Person. Not Null. Value is set when object is created.
Public propertyUpdateInformation
Information about create/update of user.
Public propertyUserName
User name. Mandatory unique identifier for the user account. The value is set by method during registration.
Public propertyValidFromDate
Date user is valid from. Not Null. Is set to date created by default.
Public propertyValidToDate
Date user is valid to. Not Null. Is set to date created + 100 years by default.
See Also